Marc Thorman performed and recorded as Marc Thor in the Boston area from 1975 to 1985. His songs, many co-written with his wife Nola, were released on their independent label Indy Records and were also performed and recorded by local artists The Boize, Lou Miami, and Pastiche. Marc also recorded with Boston duo Jeff and Jane Hudson, and his “Circling L.A.” is included on the Live at the Rat compilation of Boston bands. After moving to New York, Marc graduated summa cum laude from City University of New York, earning a doctorate in music composition with an award-winning dissertation on the music of John Cage. He has since been teaching music history and theory at CUNY campuses and private conservatories. Marc occasionally performs his own music as well as that of other contemporary composers in NYC and has created electroacoustic pieces that can be heard on soundcloud.com. With fellow photographer/artist Chris Alderson he documented the New York underground club scene during the 1990s and his photos were featured in a major solo exhibition at Don Hill’s Squeezebox.