Only someone of Magnus’s extraordinary character could contribute to this blog without even having a contemporary attachment to the planet. Magnus’s body of work stretched from remarkable large scale painting… weaving in and out of the threads of multicultural music… and onto paper with an extraordinarily dense illustrative style that left you looking at his art for what would seem like forever… Why?…because you found it impossible to leave out of fear you might miss something.
Mark Flynn has kept his memory and work alive here in The Art of the 80’s Boston Band and Event Poster by penning a thoughtful piece on Magnus with a closer look at the man and his legacy. Artists, designers, and musicians alike bring up and discuss his work in many of the interactive video segments.
I once edited some of Magnus’s work out of a video I presented at the Punkt Data gallery in 1980 and he never let me forget it. As all editors know, we do what we think is right for the sake of what we are producing, but I must say, I always regretted that decision and hope that paying homage to Magnus here will somehow correct that indiscretion on my part.
Jan Crocker Kinodv/Boston Flashpoint